Koren Englishintal
Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Field-
In December 2022, during my check in process at DI School, I happened to mention to the Corpsman that I had noticed a lump. After a thorough examination, I was referred to the General Surgeon, who conducted numerous tests and biopsies. Approximately a week later, I received a phone call informing me that I had been diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. On January 25, 2023, my journey of chemotherapy began, lasting for a duration of six months. This was followed by two surgeries, and finally, 21 days of radiation. Currently, I am taking estrogen blockers and will continue to do so for the next five years, as I strive to return to full duty. My ultimate goal is to rejoin the fleet. Despite my diagnosis, I find solace in spending hours on end at the beach, indulging in my passion for surfing. By participating in various events, I refuse to let cancer dictate my life, restrict my choices, or dampen my enjoyment. Moreover, with this being my first Marine Corps Trails I am eager to engage in interviews and livestream the events I partake in during the Marine Corps trials.