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Warrior Games

Dillon Ripperger

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Track | Field
  • Birthplace

    Indianola, IA
  • Branch

  • Sport

    Archery | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Track | Field

Master-at-Arms Second Class Dillon “Rip” Ripperger joined the Navy after high scool. He wanted to pursue a career in special programs. He transferred to seven duty stations in his nearly 15 years of service. After joining Navy Wounded Warrior, his care team encouraged him to try adaptive sports as a way to process his transition out of the Navy and into civilian life.

“Adaptive sports surrounds me with other people who understand the struggle of medical retirement and transitioning to civilian life,” he said. “It equipped me with new tools and methods of coping. I’ve made contacts to reach out to in times of struggle.”

Away from sports, Ripperger is alway striving for quality of life improvements. He most enjoys time outside, like yard work and maintenance, fishing, hunting, camping, and hiking.

At the 2024 Warrior Games, he will compete in archery, field, shooting, swimming, and track.

Other Teammates

Kolawole Arubuolawe

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Sitting Volleyball | Track

Austin Belschner

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Wheelchair Rugby

Michael Best

Archery | Field | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Wheelchair Rugby

Dafne Bonachea Tamargo

Field | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Wheelchair Rugby | Track

Johnathan Boswell

Cycling | Swimming | Wheelchair Rugby

Justin Chase

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Sitting Volleyball | Swimming | Track

Isaac Cho

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Wheelchair Basketball

Tiffany Clark

Powerlifting | Sitting Volleyball | Swimming | Track | Field

Maria Edwards

Indoor Rowing | Track | Field

Vincent Falcetta

Indoor Rowing | Swimming

Edward J Farnon

Cycling | Swimming | Field

Steven Flemming

Archery | Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Wheelchair Basketball

David Fuller

Archery | Powerlifting | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby | Field

Jonathan Gancayco

Indoor Rowing | Field

Abigail Garcia

Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Track

Angela Harris

Archery | Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Track | Wheelchair Rugby

Kyle Higginbotham

Archery | Indoor Rowing | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Field

Abdulrahman Ibn Asadullah

Archery | Field | Sitting Volleyball | Wheelchair Rugby

Rachel Iglesias

Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Field

Ainesey Inguanzo

Archery | Indoor Rowing | Precision Air Sports | Sitting Volleyball | Swimming

Jerome Jeffrey

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Field

Malik Jones

Archery | Powerlifting | Wheelchair Basketball | Field

Roberto Lopez

Precision Air Sports | Field

Levi Moore

Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby

Jarek Neczypor

Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Track | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby

Storm Oliver

Powerlifting | Swimming | Field

Johnathan Paige

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Track

Jiesyl Rama

Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby | Field

Kayla Saska

Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby | Field

Michele Schmidt

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Swimming | Track

Mitchell Sheppard

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Sitting Volleyball | Track | Wheelchair Basketball

Edward St. Pierre

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Swimming | Track

Gabrielle Varhola

Archery | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Track | Field

Tiffany Whetstonestaley

Archery | Cycling | Precision Air Sports

Travis Wyatt

Archery | Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Field

Maria Yuvienco

Archery | Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Field

Gabriella Zamora

Archery | Indoor Rowing | Precision Air Sports | Sitting Volleyball | Track