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Warrior Games

Noelle Delgado

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Cycling
  • Birthplace

    Pensacola, Florida
  • Previous WG

  • Branch

    Marine Corps
  • Sport

    Archery | Precision Air Sports | Cycling

I joined the USMC in 2019 and got injured in training and at the schoolhouse in 2020. My injuries persisted yet I tried my hardest to stay physically fit while studying Chinese. After 10 months at the schoolhouse my injuries were too impactful and I had to go on a medical hold status, one that I hoped to return to study Chinese after, yet never could.
I was transferred to wounded warrior battalion west in February of 2022 after being in the schoolhouse for two years. I medically retired in July of 2022. After a couple months I returned to train and wounded warrior battalion because I missed the Marine Corps. Training there helped me find purpose and helped me get through mental battles I was facing. I started training for the Warrior Games Challenge of 2023, and it gave me something to look forward to. Once I got there, I was surrounded by other Marines who knew exactly how I felt. Competing with them gave me the sense of camaraderie that I was desperately missing after medical retirement. Once I returned from games, I felt ready to do more sports, I wanted to try everything. It gave me that part of my personality that I missed, the willingness to try new things and the confidence in my abilities. It made me feel able again, able to do the things I love.

Other Teammates

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Richard Brennan

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Caleb Calderon

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Isabella Carter

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Ashley Christman

Archery | Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Track | Field

Brianne Cook

Indoor Rowing | Sitting Volleyball | Swimming | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby

Davin Davis

Cycling | Sitting Volleyball | Track

Gregory Dessert

Cycling | Swimming | Track | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby

Koren Englishintal

Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Field

Crystal Fletcher

Archery | Powerlifting | Precision Air Sports | Field

Rosendo Gutierrez Jr

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Track

Michael Harrold

Precision Air Sports | Sitting Volleyball | Swimming | Track | Wheelchair Rugby

Harry Harth

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Jonathan Hatch

Track | Field | Cycling

Brian Hernandez

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Eugene Horkay

Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Track

Ashley Lazareno

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Swimming

Christopher Loman

Archery | Indoor Rowing | Precision Air Sports

Julian Lovell

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Dylan Maley-Kelso

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Jade Martinez

Archery | Powerlifting | Field

Denise Medina

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Michael Moore

Archery | Powerlifting | Precision Air Sports | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby | Field

Bob Mose

Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Field

Kyle Moser

Archery | Cycling | Indoor Rowing

Samantha Perales

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Precision Air Sports | Field

Elijah Richardson-Bailey

Field | Powerlifting

Sasha Savage

Cycling | Indoor Rowing | Powerlifting | Track

Joshua Shannon

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Kimyen Soto

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Morgan Spencer

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Matthew Spencer

Archery | Cycling | Precision Air Sports

Pierre Sturgis

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Matthew Teague

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Christina Valentine

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Lawrence Wilson

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Kaplan Yeter

Archery | Precision Air Sports | Cycling