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Warrior Games

Roberto Lopez

Precision Air Sports | Field
  • Birthplace

    El Monte, CA
  • Branch

  • Sport

    Precision Air Sports | Field

Master-at-Arms Seaman Roberto Lopez dreamed of both serving in the Navy and in law enforcement and had the privilege of realizing both of these aspirations. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) early in his career brought on seizures and altered the course of his life. Navigating this path was daunting and full of uncertainty.

“I found myself a drift in a sea of uncertainty,” he said. “It wasn’t until I crossed pasths with my first wounded warrior mentor that I began to feel the warmth of love and support enveloping me. Their guidance and assistance throughout my caregiver process became a beacon of hope during my darkest moments.”

It was not easy for Lopez to accept the changes that accompanied his injuries. When he joined Navy Wounded Warrior’s adaptive sports program, he rediscovered a font of resilience within himself and gained a renewed sense of confidence and determination. Each camp, his caregiver and teammates stood by his side with unwavering encouragment, pushing him to surpass his limits.

Looking ahead, Lopez hopes to pursue a career with the California Highway Patrol. Armed with the lessons he’s learned through adaptive sports, he feels prepared to face new challenges that come his way, with an indomitable fire in his belly to perservere.

At the 2024 Warrior Games, Lopez will compete in field and shooting.

Other Teammates

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Michael Best

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Dafne Bonachea Tamargo

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Johnathan Boswell

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Justin Chase

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Isaac Cho

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Tiffany Clark

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Maria Edwards

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Vincent Falcetta

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Edward J Farnon

Cycling | Swimming | Field

Steven Flemming

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David Fuller

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Jonathan Gancayco

Indoor Rowing | Field

Abigail Garcia

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Angela Harris

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Kyle Higginbotham

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Abdulrahman Ibn Asadullah

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Rachel Iglesias

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Ainesey Inguanzo

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Jerome Jeffrey

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Malik Jones

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Levi Moore

Cycling | Precision Air Sports | Swimming | Wheelchair Basketball | Wheelchair Rugby

Jarek Neczypor

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Storm Oliver

Powerlifting | Swimming | Field

Johnathan Paige

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Jiesyl Rama

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Dillon Ripperger

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Kayla Saska

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Michele Schmidt

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Mitchell Sheppard

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Edward St. Pierre

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Gabrielle Varhola

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Tiffany Whetstonestaley

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