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Warrior Games

Team Navy

Navy Wounded Warrior coordinates the non-medical care of Sailors and Coast Guardsmen with serious, non-combat or combat related injuries and physical or psychological illnesses.

The program offers individualized guidance on pay and benefits, caregiver resources, bedside travel, job training, childcare, personal enrichment, and more. It encourages retention and return to duty or supports a smooth transition to the VA should a medical condition prohibit continued service.

Participation is voluntary and requires Sailors either self-refer or be referred by their commands, chaplain, medical team, peers, or others for enrollment determination. Adaptive athletics and reconditioning programs, such as through the DoD Warrior Games, help Recovering Service Members rebuild their strength and endurance, while also drawing inspiration from their teammates. Sports also helps build self-esteem, lowers stress levels and helps service members rejoin a team environment. All enrollees in Navy Wounded Warrior are encouraged to include adaptive athletics in their recovery plans.